Working in partnership with service users and carers, the DIAMONDS research team have developed a bespoke support programme for people with severe mental illness (SMI) and type 2 diabetes (T2D).
The aim of the programme is to support people with SMI and T2D to make small changes in their lives which will help them manage their diabetes better.
T2D is more than twice as common among people with SMI compared with the general population. People who have SMI and T2D also tend to be more poorly than people who have T2D without an SMI and experience more side effects or complications.
In England and Wales, there are over 60,000 people living with both conditions. This means that more than one in ten people with SMI also have T2D. Those living with SMI tend to die earlier than the general population. Often, problems due to conditions like T2D are related to those early deaths.
We are currently running a randomised control trial of our bespoke support programme for people with severe mental illness (SMI) and type 2 diabetes (T2D) across England and Wales.
We need participants who are living with severe mental illness and type 2 diabetes to take part in our trial that is testing whether our support programme can help people manage their diabetes
This is a randomised control trial, meaning that half of the people who take part will receive the support programme, and the other half will not.
If you want to find out more, including how to sign up for the study, check out our 'Taking Part' page by clicking here.
The DIAMONDS research programme is led by a team of researchers and clinicians at the University of York who are working in collaboration with leading academics across the UK. The team is made up of psychiatrists, health service researchers, GPs, health psychologists, diabetes experts, health economists, and statistical experts
DIAMONDS Voice is a group of service users and carers who have been part of DIAMONDS since the start of the programme. The group contribute to the research, meet socially, and attend regional events.