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DIAMONDS Update 25th May 2023


Updated: May 31, 2023

Participant Update - We now have sixty nine participants recruited to our DIAMONDS randomised controlled trial! This is 15% of our target, thank you to all of our recruiting sites for your excellent work!

Current sites open for recruitment.

The following sites are currently recruiting:

York Festival of Ideas 2023

Monday 12 June 2023, 2pm to 3pm

If you're free on Monday 12th June come along to the fabulous "York Festival of Ideas" event about Reimagining Healthcare: Treating the body and mind at King's Manor, York.

Our very own Claire Carswell will be chairing a panel discussion to hear from people with lived experience of severe mental illness and chronic conditions - service users, carers and healthcare professionals - and to find out how and why our healthcare system needs to change. Panellists will include members of DIAMONDS Voice.

To find out more information about this great event and book tickets, please click here

Another interesting Festival of Ideas event - ‘hidden’: Joanna

Tuesday 6 June 2023, 2pm to 7.45pm

‘hidden’: Joanna, produced by Made by Mortals in collaboration with people with lived experience of severe mental ill health, this immersive audio experience tells the story of Joanna, who uses mental health services and lacks digital skills. Put on the headphones, wear the blindfold and follow her journey as she tries to navigate a world where services and other aspects of daily life become increasingly digitised. Based on research findings and anchored in Made By Mortal's 'Theory Of Change', this experience challenges you to walk in Joanna’s shoes and think how you can help.

Sessions will take place from 2pm to 3.45pm, 4pm to 5.45pm and 6pm to 7.45pm. Please select a session when booking your ticket

To find out more information about this great event and book tickets, please click here

DIAMONDS New Publication!

On the 12th May the Journal of Medical Internet Research published our DIAMONDS Intervention Development paper.

Development of a Supported Self-management Intervention for People With Severe Mental Illness and Type 2 Diabetes: Theory and Evidence-Based Co-design Approach.

If you would like to find out how we developed the DIAMONDS intervention to help support people with severe mental illness and type 2 diabetes, our new publication gives you all of the details.

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